Instructions for Authors


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    Manuscript Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted online through our Website: ( and should be submitted by the corresponding author. Membership in the society is not a requirement for publication, but authors are urged to consider becoming a member.


  • Subject Matter: Horticultural Science and Technology (HST) is a bimonthly publication of papers of original work (or results) which can contribute to any aspect of fundamental and applied research on horticultural plants and their related products. The essential contents of manuscripts must not have been published in other refereed publications. Submission of a manuscript to the journal implies no concurrent submission elsewhere.


  • Copyright: Korean Society for Horticultural Science (KSHS) retains the exclusive copyright to reproduce and distribute including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, electronic form (offline, online) or any other reproduction of similar nature for all KSHS publications. No part of journal may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by means, without permission in without from the KSHS.


  • Publication Types: Research article, Review and survey, Invited review, and Cultivar and germplasm releases.


  • Review Policy and Procedure: All manuscripts must be submitted in English. Manuscripts submitted for publication must be reviewed by more than two reviewers (internal review process) and revised. Submitted manuscripts that do not conform to the KSHS standards will be returned to authors for correction. A manuscript number is assigned to each manuscript, which will be sent to the corresponding author. Always refer to the manuscript number in all correspondence thereafter. Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by more than two reviewers. Reviewed manuscripts are sent back to the corresponding author along with comments from reviewers. Some revision is usually necessary after the reviews, and final acceptance generally depends on extent of revision. In submitting revised manuscripts, authors are requested to submit explanations on how the revisions were made and the reason why they do not agree with the reviewers for those points on which they have no revision. A manuscript is considered withdrawn, if the author has not responded in 3 months to a request for revision. The corresponding authors will be notified for acceptance.


  • Authorship: The HST recommends that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:
    ・Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
    ・Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
    ・Final approval of the version to be published; AND
    ・Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


  • Compliance with Ethical Standards: To ensure objectivity and transparency in research and to ensure that accepted principles of ethical and professional conduct have been followed, authors should include information regarding sources of funding, potential conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial), informed consent if the research involved human participants, and a statement on welfare of animals if the research involved animals.Authors should include the following statements (if applicable) in a separate section entitled “Compliance with Ethical Standards” when submitting a paper:
    ・Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest
    ・Research involving Human Participants and/or Animals
    ・Informed consent
    ・If there are no ethical issues, the authors can declare that they have no conflict of interest


  • Procedure after Acceptance: Accepted manuscripts must be submitted online through our Website: Preparation of manuscripts with Microsoft Word is desirable, other word processing packages are not acceptable. Galley proof is sent to the corresponding author. Authors must proof read carefully, correct if necessary and make a form ‘Copyright Transfer Statement’, and then, return to the KSHS as soon as possible. Authors will be charged for any major alterations they make in the page proofs that are not the error of the editors.


  • Publication Fees: The author(s) must pay a publication fee $450 (U.S. Dollars) or KRW 450,000 per article. The charge is for the HST’s sponsoring scientific societies (KSHS) providing editorial process. Quotations will be sent with a decision of acceptance. Unpaid articles will not be published on the online site and paper print of HST.




  • Format: Manuscripts including tables and figures, 2.0 spaced in MS Word format with margins of 20 mm of left and right, 25 mm of top and 30 mm of bottom side, should be submitted along with a submission form through our Website as the form of attached file. The Journal requires the use of the metric system, preferentially SI units, and centered period between units (e.g. mg·L-1). Latin words or phrases are in italics, with the exception of very common expressions such as ‘i.e.’, ‘e.g.’, ‘et al.’, ‘in vitro’, ‘in vivo’, ‘ex vitro’, ‘in situ’, ‘de novo’, and ‘etc.’. All pages must be numbered consecutively from the title page, and include the acknowledgements, references, tables and figure legends. All the manuscripts should be written in standard scientific English. Non-native English authors are highly recommended to use a scientific English editing service to improve the manuscript prior to submission to HST.


  • Manuscript Organization: Manuscript should be arranged in the following order: Title, Abstract, Additional key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, Literature Cited, Tables, and Figures. In some cases, the Results and the Discussion can be combined into one section for more effective presentation. Reports and review manuscript should be arranged in the following order: Title, Abstract, Sub-title, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Literature Cited, Tables, and Figures.


  • Title: The title should be a concise description of the contents of the paper. Capitalize the first letter of all title words except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions. Use common names for well-known species. Cultivar names can be used only for comparisons or when the characteristics of the cultivar need to be emphasized. Do not use an abbreviation except for common terminology. Serial titles indicating a series of related papers are not generally recommended, unless manuscripts are submitted together. On the title page, include the title, full name of each author and institution(s) where the research was done, with mailing address(es). If an author has since moved to a different institution, the new location can be indicated in a footnote. The corresponding author should be noted by an asterisk. For multiple affiliations, use respective superscript numbers to match authors and their affiliations.


  • Abstract: The Abstract should be a concise summation of the objectives, materials used, major treatments, results and conclusions written in a paragraph. Abstract must not exceed 5% of the length of the paper. Use a chemical name followed by a common name in parenthesis when first mentioned, and then use the common name thereafter. The Abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. List five to six additional key words, which have not been used in the title, in lower case alphabetically. Common species name(s), chemical name(s), physiological or pathological term(s), and genetic term(s) can be used.


  • Introduction: The introduction should provide the necessary background information for the average reader; it should be both complete and concise. Previous publications that form a basis for the work presented must be cited.


  • Materials and Methods: In the Materials and Methods section, the experimental procedures should be described in sufficient detail that they could be followed by other researchers in the field. This section should be made as concise as possible by reference to procedures that have already been published, unless the method used here was greatly modified. Scientific names of species and cultivar names used must be included regardless of their appearance in Abstract or Introduction. Sizes, quantities, and suppliers of materials must be indicated, preferentially in common names. Treatments, experimental design, and statistical method must be explained in detail. Commonly known methods or analyses may be briefly explained by citing relevant references.


  • Results: The Results section contains the results of research given in detail, with tables and figures as needed. Results that can be expressed easily in the text should not be given in the form of tables or figures.


  • Discussion: The Discussion section should not contain a repeat of the results, but should explain the meaning of the findings and the authors' conclusions, together with a discussion of any contradiction of already published reports.


  • Acknowledgement(s): The Acknowledgements section should be as brief as possible. Any grant that requires acknowledgement(s) should be mentioned. The names of funding organizations should be written in full. Acknowledgement(s) of help from colleagues and professional associates are appropriate, but avoid acknowledgement(s) of routine secretarial help or family members.


  • Literature Cite:

-Text: If references are made in the text listed in Literature Cited, refer to them by the author's family name(s) and the year published according to the Harvard system. Citation may be made directly (or parenthetically). Groups of references should be listed first chronologically, then alphabetically.


-List: All literature cited should be listed in an alphabetical order, by the author’s family names. For the same author, or for the same set of authors, literature cited should be arranged chronologically. If there is more than one publication in the same year for the same author(s), the letter a, b, etc. should be added to the year. References with more than 9 authors should list the first 9 authors followed by ‘et al’. Do not use an issue number if the journal uses consecutive for each volume. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the List of Title Word Abbreviations:, but those are abbreviated without period. Use of DOI is highly encouraged. Papers accepted for publication are cited as ‘in press’ or ‘online published’; the DOI should be given if the paper is published online. Note that the use of unpublished work by others (including information obtained in private communication(s)) requires their permission. Unnecessarily long lists of references, including excessive self-citation, should be avoided.
Please note the following examples, and refer details to the literature citations in the current issue of the HST.


-Examples in text: ‘as described (Weeks et al., 1994; Kim, 1999, 2014a, 2014b; Vannini and Chilosi, 2014). Park et al. (2012) have shown in … Chang and Lin (2011) demonstrated that …’’


-Examples in list:


1) Journal Article


Garcia-Hernandez M, Berardini TZ, Chen G, Crist D, Doyle A, Huala E, Knee E, Lambrecht M, Miller N, et al. (2002) TAIR: a resource for integrated Arabidopsis data. Funct Integr Genomics 2:239-253


Chang CC, Lin CJ (2011) LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines. ACM rans Intell Syst Technol 2:Article 27


2) Journal Article + DOI


German MA, Kandel-Kfir M, Swarzberg D, Matsevitz T, Granot D (2003) A rapid method for the analysis of zygosity in transgenic plants. Plant Sci 164:183–187. doi:10.1016/S0168-9452(02)00381-3


3) Electronic Article


Chen WH, Zhao XM, van Noort V, Bork P (2013) Human monogenic disease genes have frequently functionally redundant paralogs. PLOS Comput Biol 9:e1003073


4) Online-First Article


Weeks DP, Spalding MH, Yang B (2015) Use of designer nucleases for targeted gene and genome editing in plants. Plant Biotechnol J (in press). doi:10.1111/pbi.12448


5) Patent


Ubersax JA, Platt DM December 9, 2010. Genetically modified microbes producing isoprenoids. US Patent Application No. 20100311065 A1


6) Book


Ribéreau-Gayon P, Dubourdieu D, Donèche B, Lonvaud A (2006) Botrytized sweet wines (Sauternes and Tokay). In RG Pascal, ed, Handbook of Enology: The Microbiology of Wine and Vinifications, Ed 2, Vol 1. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, UK, pp 449-458


Vannini A, Chilosi G (2013) Botrytis infection: grey mould and noble rot. In F Mencarelli, P Tonutti, eds, Sweet, Reinforced and Fortified Wines: Grape Biochemistry, Technology and Vinification. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK, pp 159-169


7) Electronic Book


Jander G, Joshi V (2009) Aspartate-derived amino acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Arabidopsis Book 7:e0121. doi:10.1199/tab.0123


James C (2009) Global status of commercial biotech/GM crops: 2009. ISAAA Brief 41. ISAAA, Ithaca, NY, USA


8) Online Database


GM approval database (2014) ISAAA. Accessed 27 June 2014


9) Web Page


Borlaug, N (2014) Global status of commercial biotech/GM crops: 2014, ISAAA Brief 49-2014: Executive summary. Available via asp Accessed 27 June 2014


Tables and Figures:

  • -Tables: Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals and designed to fit the single-column width or the full page width. Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. Each table should have a brief title and, where necessary, a short statement about the specific methods used. The intent is to avoid extensive legends, placing detailed protocols in the Materials and Methods section, but leaving no doubt as to the procedures used to obtain the data. Unit must be clearly indicated for each of the entries in the table. Footnotes to tables should appear beneath the tables and should be designated by lower case superscript letter, z, y, x, etc. Each table should be prepared on a separate page.


  • -Figures: Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals and should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. Manuscripts submitted online should contain all figures and Upload figures of quality suitable for publication, especially for color printing. Do not include titles or captions within your illustrations and avoid effects such as shading, outline letters, etc. Figure parts should be denoted by uppercase letters (A, B, C, etc). Figure captions begin with the term Fig., followed by the figure number. Figure legends should provide enough information so that the figure is understandable without reference to the text. However, details given in Materials and Methods or in other tables or figures should not be repeated but merely referred to. The method that is unique to one of several experiments may be reported in a legend if it can be described very briefly. All symbols and abbreviations used in the figure that have not been defined elsewhere should be defined.